Showing 1–9 of 22 results
《世界最高的布达拉宫》Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet, China
《威尼斯圣马可广场水淹时》Vienna, the Deserving Music Capital of the World
《宏伟壮观的美国国会大厦》The Magnificent United States Capitol
《巴塞罗那有“高迪之城”的称誉》 Barcelona Known as the “City of Gaudi”
《巴西大嘴鸟活脱脱一副明星相》The Toco Toucan Looking Just Like a Celebrity
《希腊老妪的孤独身影》 The Lonely Figure of an Old Greek Woman
《建筑瑰宝北京天坛祈年殿》Harvest, an Architectural Treasure
《新加坡是象形建筑聚集地》Singapore: Cluster of Pictographic Architecture
《日光的“三不”寺庙东照宫》Nikkō: The Three Wise Monkeys of Tōshōgū Shrine